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Unlock the musician and performer in you today!


South County School of Performing Arts

“Great artists are people who find the way to be themselves in their art”

- Margot Fonteyn


We're excited to help you find the artist inside yourself!

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Instrument Lessons
Private Dance Lessons
Music for Minis
Homeschool Programs
Voice Classes
Summer Camps
Theater Classes
Music Birthday Parties

Annabelle I.

"Marissa has helped me grow as a performer in ways that I never could have imagined. My voice is stronger, healthier, and more confident than ever.”

Mollie M.

"I cannot thank Marissa enough for the amazing progress I made with my singing over the 2 years I trained with her. Thanks to her expert guidance and support, I saw a remarkable improvement in my voice. I never thought it was possible to reach this level of skill and confidence, and I owe it all to my coach’s dedication and expertise."

Izzy M.

"Marissa allowed me to grow as a performer and learn healthy vocal technique! She tailored each lesson to fit my individual needs, like working with me on my tongue tension, performance anxiety and vocal registration."
Sheet Music
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